Date of production: 2010
Media: handmade paper,
leaves, digital print, threat
Dimensions (h x w): A 3 (297 x 420 mm)
General Concept:
Ziegler’s work is created by using the process of papermaking from plant off-cuts or cotton rags. The pulp forms the basis for a process of layering. This is done with inlays applied on the wet paper. In a further process after the drying, some of these papers then become the support for prints, embroidery, and further collage. Her main concerns deal with environmental (outer) issues and an inner exploration.
‘Harbouring differences’ set me on a journey investing the inner and outer manifestation of relationships. The topography of the two harbours of Durban and Perth translated into mapping: the imaginary handmade paper map with leaf inlays and the scientifically correct one, printed with the latest digital technology. By sawing the two along the latitude and longitude lines together I created a net which became the metaphor of a ‘network’, the latest development of social interaction. Networks are ‘a series of points or nodes interconnected by communication paths’ (Harbeck, 2009). Networks have a social function, or business function, or actually both. The network becomes a tool, a career path, another way to ‘get up there’, and using ‘one’s connections’. There is an inner manifestation of relationship, too. In between this ‘21st century network hype’, signified by colour and precision in my artwork, slipped an archaic uneven rough paper with skeletonized leave fragments, telling the story of the coming and going of life on this ancient planet in this eternal universe. A story of old leaves lying on the ground waiting to become earth again and an artist, very interested in the miracle of her inner self and love.
Ref. Harbeck,R. (2009).Network.Available: http://searchnetworking.techtarget.com/sDefinition/0,,sid7_gci212644,00.html (Accessed 30.July 2010)
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